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Writer's pictureKaren Hoad

Staying Positive In These Most Difficult And Unprecedented Times

This is indeed a challenging and unprecedented time, but a time when we must try to stick together and help each other. Many of the headlines that greet us each morning are grim and about the Coronavirus and of ‘panic buying’, accompanied by pictures of empty shelves, which on the face of it sounds uncompassionate, selfish and greedy, but in essence it is born out of fear, uncertainty and anxiety. However, amongst all of this, there are stories that tug at the heartstrings, acts of kindness that are truly inspiring. In Sussex, Help The Aged and other groups, which regularly organise events and trips for the elderly, are offering support of grocery buying, prescription collection and just someone to talk to.

Self-Isolation - Coping With Boredom and Limiting Stress

Many people are being forced into self-isolation and many are working from home, which in turn brings in a completely new set of issues including confinement, isolation, boredom, loneliness and a loss of purpose. For some it raises the fear of their own mortality. It’s important to stay positive emotionally and to remain optimistic although that of course will be challenging. Filling our time with doing things will certainly help. On a health related note, remember that fear creates stress that reduces immunity, so stress and anxiety have to be released to boost your immune system.

How To Remain Positive?

· Take time to reflect

· Connect with family and friends

· Slow down your pace of life

· Do the things you have been putting off and never seem to get the time to do

· Limit news watching and social media interactions

· Take in some fresh air by going for a walk or a run

On a personal note, I’m planning whilst on lockdown, to do the things that I never seem to get around to doing. Next time you visit, please admire my freshly painted internal doors - the paint has been purchased!

Schools To Close on Friday 20th March

If you have children, you will need to keep them entertained and give some structure to their day. Set up a timetable so that they can still learn at home and also do their homework but do remember they may be scared, fearful or anxious too, so be flexible in your approach. They also need to have fun. For younger children, include some exercise such as dancing to music, mini-circuits and playing in the garden. You could also get them cooking, baking cakes, or play board games with them and also build in time so that they can talk to their friends visually.

Conclusion – Aim For A sense Of Accomplishment

An essential aspect of positive living is a sense of accomplishment and by doing tasks and keeping in touch and even reuniting with family and friends will help you to remain in control of your life. This is a great time for family bonding. Set yourself realistic goals; remember I’m just doing the internal doors, not the whole of the interior of my home, although the bedrooms could do with a refresh!

Make An Appointment For A FaceTime Or Skype Call

If you have any inspiring stories that you would like to share, please let me know in your comments or get in touch, as I would love to share them. As difficult as it may seem, it’s so important to try to remain positive. However, if you are struggling and panicking and need to talk, why not make an appointment with me to arrange an online session via FaceTime, What’s App Video, Zoom or Skype, which will help to release any fears, worries, anxieties, feelings of loneliness or boredom you may be experiencing in these difficult times. Even if your issues are related to monetaryconcerns, I can help. My aim is to help to bring you calmness, even in this most brutal of storms.

How Can Karen Help You?

Karen Hoad from Becoming Aware is a qualified and experienced Emotional Healing & Wellbeing Practitioner. She has vast experience in mental, emotional and physical health issues and works with people to release emotions. She gives help and support with regard to the past, present and future. Call Karen on 07766 427966 for a free without obligation chat or email.

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